Grains de Beauté - Promotion

Grains de Beauté - Promotion
Association loi 1901
Siège Social
29, rue d'Alésia
75014 Paris, France
Tel : 00 33 (0)6 60 12 18 72

and sponsor l’association Grains de Beauté-Promotion

Objectives of the Association

The association Grains de Beauté - Promotion aims, in France as well as abroad, to develop the promotion and the distribution of original photographic work notably by the members of the association by means of public exhibitions, reproductions and publications. The association will look for, collect and put at the disposal of member artists material, financial, logistical and other types of aid necessary for the creation and distribution of photographic work and organise communal action with regards to editors or distributors of photographic work. Participating in all exhibitions, shows, events, and all operations connected to the aims, here outlined, and more generally to promote photography and art in all its forms.

Membership Form

I would like to become a member of the association Grains de Beauté - Promotion and therefore will send the Annual Fee of :
120 euros for a member
200 euros for a benefactor
300 euros and more for a donation or an act of sponsorship by a company or a private individual


Payment to be included with the membership form and sent to Grains de Beauté - Promotion (29 Rue d'Alésia, 75014 Paris) by cheque or postal order. For a bank transfer the details of the association Grains de Beauté - Promotion are the following.
IBAN : FR76 30003 03283 0005043 065482
The annual fee of the member will be in affect for the period of one year. As soon as the membership form and annual payment have been received the member will be sent a receipt confirming membership and payment.

President : Alice Millière
Treasurer and Communications Director : Jean-Marc Millière
Secretary : Karen McCourt

Newsletter January 2013

Newsletter February 2013

Newsletter March 2013

Newsletter April 2013

Newsletter May 2013

Newsletter September 2013

Newsletter Octobre 2013

Archives :

Year 2006
Year 2007
Year 2008
Year 2009
Year 2010
Year 2011
Year 2012